AI Partnership with EPHE Cognition laboratory

Insight Signals was honored to sign a privileged partnership agreement with the Human and Artificial Cognitions Laboratory (CHArt) of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE | PSL University). PSL University is one of the most prestigious French research institutions working in the human, life and earth sciences field.

CHArt is an interdisciplinary laboratory that brings together researchers in cognitive sciences, mathematics, and computer science. It studies natural and artificial cognitive systems and their pragmatic and semantic interactions. PSL University is one of the most prestigious French research institutions, among top 40 of the Shanghai ranking.

“The research carried out by the EPHE touches on the essential issues of our time. Our association with Insight Signals confirms the EPHE’s desire to listen to the concerns of companies, citizens and civil society , as closely as possible. ” François Jouen, Dean of the EPHE Life and Earth Sciences Section, of PSL University

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